Share Your Story

Embrace the joy of storytelling. Contribute your narrative to our growing collection and let your story shine.

Inspire by numbers

Stories collected and counting
Countries around the world shared their stories
Authors contributed

Stories of Community Wisdom to Empower and Transform
Our Collective Sense of Community

We encourage you to think through your topic prior to filming in the storytelling space. Use the structure below to help organize your thoughts, and jot down notes, or share extemporaneously if you prefer.

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Personal Information

Brief description about yourself

Story Information

If you don't find related category, put it in the comments box below
Enter Your Story Below - Use the guidelines to format
-Tell us what was done, who was involved, what did they do and Why
-Do you know the outcome?
-Were there any lessons learned? -Particularly something that could benefit others
***You can put pictures in here as well if you have more than one, use the media button on the top of the box
-Please be sure to include all formatting, headings, links, and images. Content is subject to editorial review prior to publication and must comply with contributor guidelines.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Upload a high-quality image relevant to the story. Ensure you have rights to use this image.
-It is okay if you don't have any pictures related to article
***If you have more than one picture, upload the featured image here, and the rest in the box above where you put the story.

Additional Details

-You can put additional categories here
-Any YouTube, Tiktok, Instgram or any other social media link can be posted here. (if more than one link, use "," to separate)
- Or, anything else that you might think should be added to the story.
Are you ready to submit your Story?