The global pandemic, Black Lives Matter, Climate Change and other global and local crises
have changed both narratives and relationships in many communities. In Nova
Scotia/Canada, a group of citizens met in 2018 to re-think and co-create systems and
narratives that define their sense of community and their way of life. ‘How We Thrive’ is
building a network of both indigenous and immigrant people of all ages, background and
professions to share their narratives building communities and old/new relationships among
people and between humans and nature.
It began as an experiment in ‘just doing it.’ A few people dreamed of an event that would
capture the energy and stories that were alive in their region. People from across
communities and walks of life would come together long enough to get below the surface of
issues and challenges and have real conversations, learn and unlearn. ‘How we Thrive’
developed into a community of regional people with regular meetings (online and face-to-
face). ‘How We Thrive’ focusses on narratives which tell stories how people belong together
(Nature of Hosting), surprise themselves and each other and co-create community.
Narratives are most powerful to bring people together, to share ideas and values. Narratives
also can show cracks – both in individual and in shared community narratives. Seeing the
cracks may inspire us to weave new stories in the gap that has opened up…
Starting of the Narrative Project has since led
To the Future of Food scenario project, connecting food systems leaders from across
Atlantic Canada,
the Gaelic Narrative Project, Air Chéilidh
the Nature of Hosting, which weaves new narratives about ways we gather and the
important role of hosts in our communities
see more at:
contact: Duncan Ebata –
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